Simon Devitt Prize for Photography 2020
Online Exhibition
“We all observe fleeting moments and chance encounters in our daily lives. Moment by moment most of these dissolve into the ether. Sometimes one or two will stay with us. Very rarely are these moments, the special ones, captured.”
“The Simon Devitt Prize for Photography is both a fantastic opportunity for our students and a means to showcase the talents of New Zealand’s emerging creative minds .”

Established in 2008, the Simon Devitt Prize for Photography is open to all students from the Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries at the University of Auckland. This popular photography competition is an annual event showcasing unique photographic perspectives from students with backgrounds in architecture, dance, design, fine arts, music and urban planning.
Each year, all Creative Arts and Industries students have the chance to enter and win $1,000.
The fitting theme for the 2020 competition is Isolation.
2020 Finalists
Theme: IsolationPrevious winners

With photographic work spanning forensics, sport and architecture, Simon Devitt started life in a South Auckland suburb, son of Janice and Brian and middle sibling of Aaron and Adele-Marie.
To find out what underpins his passion for photography and the grounds for his generosity, we virtually-visited Simon as he saw out his own self-isolation at his rural property just south of Auckland.
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